Monthly Archives: March 2014

Whispers From Beyond: White Screen

Every moment is a White Screen. All the perceived details of my live moment is nothing but an images projected onto this Screen. Continue reading

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Actions with Non-Attachment

Any attempt to put a sacred message in a human language is prone to distortions. This is because of the limited nature of the language created mainly for the purpose of mundane life. Only through assisting “intuitive” perception one can break through the distortion and have a clear view of the Truth.
The topic of performing actions with non-attachments in the world, as we read Gita, certainly creates many confusions. The purpose of this post is to make this message of Gita clear from all misconceptions. Continue reading

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On Vows

A Vow – a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment,serving two quite different purposes. One is to prove something to others (just to strengthen the argument). Another one is to make a solid foundation for a personal change in a certain way. How valid is making vow? Does it work? Continue reading

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Whispers from Beyond: Dialogs during fasting

These short dialogs with God happened during my 15 days fasting, on the second week of fast in the early hours around 4 am… Continue reading

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